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Spare Tire

Spare Tire & Wheel
Spare tires and wheels may come in full-size versions (the same tire size as is used on the car) or as a “mini-spare”, a compact tire and wheel assembly that conserves storage space. Many cars are equipped with temporary spare tires and wheels, which are noticeably different from regular tires and wheels. Some require higher inflation pressure, or the use of a pressurized canister to inflate the tire.

Purpose: The spare tire serves as a back up in case your car has a flat.

Maintenance Tips/Suggestions: Check the air pressure in your spare tire whenever you check tire pressure. There’s nothing more annoying than a flat spare when you have a flat tire. It’s also a wise idea to become familiar with changing a tire on your car, before you have to. Acquaint yourself with the location of the jack and its handle, where the jack is supposed to contact the vehicle when raising it, the lug wrench, the location of the key for the wheel locks (if equipped), and how to access the spare tire. Too often, motorists are surprised to find essential tire-changing tools damaged or missing. It’s a good idea to make a practice run at changing a tire, so you’re on top of things when your car has a real flat. If your car has a temporary spare, drive your car within the limits specified on the tire's sidewall, or until it is convenient to repair the disabled tire or replace it with one of the same size and construction as the other tires on your car. Always check your car’s owner's manual and the tire sidewall for instructions on proper use of a temporary spare.

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